Besides seeing the yummy food, beautiful sewing projects, and wonderful how-tos on blogs, I also enjoy getting a peek an insight into what goes on in their house. I guess you could say I am a nosy curious person. So today on this wonderful dreary day this is the goings on...
Halloween Costume making has taken over the dinning area...
I believe either the toy bins exploded all over the living room or they boys are having fun..
Despite all those things going on, I feel compelled to bake cookies...
with the help of J-man and his men!
We decided to make Egg-less Chocolate Chip Cookies
So there you have it.... the chaotic, multi-project mess my house is usually in.
I am trying to stay busy so I don't think about being out of Diet Coke. I told dear hubby that he NEEDS to bring me some home. IF I am unconscious from lack of caffeine then he should start an iv drip of 100ccs of Diet Coke STAT!
I am trying to stay busy so I don't think about being out of Diet Coke. I told dear hubby that he NEEDS to bring me some home. IF I am unconscious from lack of caffeine then he should start an iv drip of 100ccs of Diet Coke STAT!
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