Monday, April 14, 2014

Make Tasty Fool Ya Kool-aid!

I started reading the healthy lifestyle book, Trim Healthy Mama. Although I am only about 1/3 of the way through the book, I have been trying to implement some of the principles. I decided I would start by getting my Breakfasts on plan and try to cut out sugar. 

Buying Truvia today was my first step in eliminating sugar. I also picked up some Raspberry tea so I could make Cool-Aid from Lexi's Kitchen. I only made a half gallon, so I didn't waste too much if it wasn't good. But I was shocked it was good! I even was able to get Gabby and Mike to try it, and believe it or not they liked it too! I am now curious to try other flavors.

How I made it:
     2 Tea bags
     2 cups boiling water, plus more cold water
     1 Tbs Apple Cider Vinegar
     2 Truvia packets
Steep tea in boiling water. Pour into 1/2 gallon container, add ACV and Truvia. And fill the rest of the way with cold water.

The original recipe:
4-6 HERBAL TEA BAGS (pick a robustly flavored fruit variety)
About 4 cups boiling WATER, plus more cold water
2 tablespoons raw APPLE CIDER VINEGAR
LIQUID STEVIA CONCENTRATE  or other sweetener to taste
  • Add tea bags to tempered one gallon jar.
  • Pour boiling water over tea bags and let steep 4-6 minutes
  • Fill jar the rest of the way with cold water.
  • Mix in vinegar and stevia or sweetener.
  • Serve chilled over ice.

Monday, April 7, 2014

My Salad Addiction and MPM

Some of you may know this, especially if you talk to my husband, I LOVE to put just about any leftovers on top of lettuce. Taco meat, bbq meat, kid's leftover chicken strips or their "dip" egg remnants. It is a great way to jazz up a salad and give variety to my lunches. 

Today I spied a half a grilled burger waisting away alone in the fridge. It was a perfect contender for my salad. Man don't grilled burgers just make you think of summer and long, sunny, warm days! 

After assembling my salad I decided the usual Ranch dressing just wasn't going to cut it today. I need more of a BBops Burger dressing. 
I ended up mixing:
1 tsp Light Mayo
1 tsp Ketchup
1/2 tsp Mustard
Water (until desired consistancy)

In my opinion it was perfection! It used up a leftover and satisfied the burger craving.

What is your favorite salad toppings?

And now here is what is on the Menu for this week:
Monday- Spaghetti with mushrooms and meatballs, Salad

Tuesday- Pork Kabobs and Green Beans (with bacon and mushrooms) on the Grill

Wednesday- @Church

Thursday- Wendy's Night (school fundraiser)

Friday- Summertime Spaghetti