Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Projects-Lots of Projects

Lately I have been finding lots of projects on blogs that I am wanting to complete. My Pinterest boards are getting full of ideas! I wouldn't consider myself overly crafty, but I do like to create things. Over this last week I was able to knock a couple of projects off my to-do list.

Project #1- Family Rules chalk board. I converted our computer cabinet doors into chalkboards using chalkboard paint. I have seen this "family rules" idea all over the blogosphere. Here is one over at Starr Circus. It is great personalized subway art. You can order them on Etsy, but I am cheap frugal and love to try things myself. Eventhough the boys can't read, Gabby can and she enjoys reading it and seeing what is on there and what isn't! It is still a work in progress as you can see. But I can see this being a fun piece of "art" in our house.

Project #2- Menu/To-do dry erase board. This idea I fell in love with over at Positively Splendid. She has a tutorial on how to make it! This is a vast improvement from our cheap, plain old, nothing special white dry erase board we were using before! I used 3 different pieces of scrap book paper, a few letter stickers, some chopped up Uppercase Living expressions, and a $5 picture frame from Walmart. Yes, you can use dry erase markers on glass!!! I just can't really put into words how much I love this thing it turned out awesome... in my opinion!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Etched pyrex- great wedding gift

I saw this tutorial on Twincess Designs and even though I don't have a Silhouette or Circuit machine I figured I could find away to make it work. It makes a great wedding or house warming gift. This will definitely stay on, unlike sharpie marker! 

The only downside to this project is the starting expense is a little high, but if you plan on doing multiple its okay. I was able to find the glass etching cream at Michaels, just make sure to have your 40% coupon handy!

Step 1: I used my computer to find the font I liked for the name I was doing, I designed it to be exactly the size I wanted it. Since I don't own any of those fancy machines, I bought Con-Tact paper and used my printer to print the name on the back of it. To get the printer to take the Con-tact paper, I taped a sheet of it to a sheet of regular printer paper. 

Step 2: Use an exacto knife to cut out your letters. If you have letters that have a middle like my "D" and "e", you will need to save those little pieces so you can put them onto the pan.

Step 3: Carefully peal the Con-tact paper backing off and place it on the bottom of your pan. This is when you need to place those little middle pieces in their correct spots.

Step 4: Use a Q-tip or foam brush to really glop on the etching cream on. I let it sit on the pan longer than the bottle suggested. Leave it for almost an hour. After you let it sit, you can use an old shopping card to scrap the cream off and put it back in the bottle to use again later, or just rinse it off. Peal off the Con-Tact paper and admire your awesome homemade, personalized gift!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Why having a toddler is like being at a Frat Party

I saw this article on facebook from Suburban Snap Shots and knew I needed to share. It so sums up life with a toddler!

10. There are half-full, brightly-colored plastic cups on the floor in every room. Three are in the bathtub.

9. There's always that one girl, bawling her eyes out in a corner.

8. It's best not to assume that the person closest to you has any control over their digestive function.

7. You sneak off to the bathroom knowing that as soon as you sit down, someone's going to start banging on the door.

6. Probably 80% of the stains on the furniture contain DNA.

5. You've got someone in your face at 3 a.m. looking for a drink.

4. There's definitely going to be a fight.

3. You're not sure whether anything you're doing is right, you just hope it won't get you arrested.

2. There are crumpled-up underpants everywhere.

1. You wake up wondering exactly how and when the person in bed with you got there.

Number 2 really rings true in this house, although most of the time they are contained to the 1/2 bathroom. Jayden always seems to have a need to take clothing off when we get home. It is either underwear get taken off, or all the clothes come off.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Cake Pops!!!!

The latest craze seems to be cake balls/pops. I knew after seeing them the first time I had to try my hand at making them. This last weekend I got invited to a surprise birthday party for a co-worker so I thought "What a perfect party treat!"

These aren't difficult, just a little time consuming. But well worth the effort... the kids LOVE them. There is something great about eating foods on a stick.

I found this recipe at The Sweetest Pear....

What you'll need to make 18 cake pops: (I actually got about 24 using pampered chef's medium size cookie scoop)
  • 18 oz. boxed cake mix (flavor of choice)
  • 1/2 cup creamy frosting
  • 14 oz. bag candy melts (found mine at Michaels craft store)
  • lollipop sticks (also found at craft store)
  • sprinkles or other decorations
1. Bake the cake as directed on box or per recipe.
2. Once cake is cooled, crumble half of it up (freeze other half for next time) in a large bowl with your hands until no large pieces remain
3. Stir in frosting and mix until combined.
4. Use a cookie scoop to make each cake ball approx. the same size and then roll into a ball between your hands. Place on wax paper in the freezer.
5. Freeze until cake balls are no longer sticky, but not rock hard, about an hour.
6. Melt a few candy melts in the microwave for about 20 seconds. Remove and stir. Dip the lollipop stick into melted candy and then stick into cake ball. Return to freezer for another hour.
7.Remove cake balls from freezer. They should be firm.
8. Warm candy melts according to package directions, stirring often.
9. Coat entire cake pop with candy coating and decorate immediately. This part needs to go quick or the decorations won't stick.
10.Store upright using styrofoam or other contraption until coating is hardened. Enjoy with friends.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Productive Sewing Day!

On this wonderfully rainy day I was very productive cleaning house and finishing projects. The first project I was able to finish is a re-purpose t-shirt style halter dress. I bought the pattern from Lil Blue Boo. After printing out the pattern piece pages I took wax paper and traced the size I would need. That way I wouldn't have to reprint the pages if I wanted to use a different size in the future. I repurposed 3 different tshirts to make this dress. I could have gotten away with just 2, but felt I needed to add another color by using a 3rd for the neck binding.

I have actually been working on this project for about a month. I just wasn't finding time/motivation to complete it until now! Gabby is very excited about her new "Bieber dress" she is wearing it to school tomorrow.

The next project I knocked off my list was a tool belt for the boys. The minute I saw this tutorial on Make it and Love it I knew I HAD to make at least one for the boys. I made a few changes, I used ribbon for the hammer loop and decorative trim. Also instead of making it tie at the waist I used a belt that we had laying around. This way Jayden can take the belt on and off on his own.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Summer Fun in Spring!

 I don't know where spring went... I missed the 60-70 degree weather that let you open your windows and let the cool breeze in and de-stink-ify air out the house. I for one love the nights I can lie in bed listening to traffic and have the cool breeze blow in. That has to be one of my favorite things. But anyway...that aside because today was not one of those days. Infact today was record breaking i'm told.  95 degrees today.

Instead we spent this hot day outside playing in the pool, testing out the new Buzz Lightyear sprinkler, and eating popsicles. I also got the chance to dress the boys in their new matching swimsuits! Got to love it! I thoroughly enjoy dressing them alike or matching. I figure I better do it now before they get an opinion on what they wear.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Cataloging thoughts

One of the reasons I started blogging is to write down the crazy things the kids do, and the recipes we try. I now found another way to keep track of the things I see online at different blogs/websites.

Pinterest is a great site that lets me "pin" things that peak my interest in one spot. I can categorize everything, so I can have a spot for recipes, diy, home, crafts, etc. It is soooo much better than bookmarking, because it used pictures of the item. And for me that is key! I am such a visual person (that must be why I like step by step picture tutorials!).

You are welcome to follow my pinning at http://pinterest.com/bradymom3/ . After I try anything on there, more than likely you will find out on my blog! I try to keep up taking the step by step photos of recipes, and crafts!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


So... I am new to this blogging thing, and I haven't been very good at keeping up with posting. Here is kind of a run down of what has been taking place on Somersby!

Dexter- Got a Haircut, his first all over haircut. I was very proud of myself for being able to accomplish this feat on a moving target!

Pictures before haircut!

And After!

He looks older, it is sad to see my baby grow up! Somedays I wish they could stay little forever, but then I remember how fun it is to watch them grow and blossom!

Jayden- Is forever testing mothers patience and boundaries. After Easter he found his stamps that he got from the egg hunt. He decided to stamp his hand and replied "Look now I have a tattoo like Aunt Nat!" Jayden was so proud of his tattoo.

Gabrielle (Gabby) Faythe- The poor girl doesn't get in photos very often anymore, to this I am truly sorry, and saddened. She is at school all day when the boys are at play! She has made some comments on possibly wanted to play guitar after hearing Grandpa Rick play a few weekends ago. I am trying to get her to ask Gpa if he will teach her a few things to make sure she would like it before buying her a guitar of her own and signing her up for lessons. "I won't play country music though" she told me.

Mike- got a new place to live Shed. Gold Dome Bulidings came a few weeks ago and in 5 hours had the thing built! Amazing!! Now he just needs to finish putting siding on.

Last but not least- Me- I have been holding down the fort and doing what I do best cook! the latest creation was homemade bbq pizza and pizza hut bread sticks. The pizza was AWESOME! It might of had something to do with the partial hickory park meat that was used on it. The bread sticks were pretty close, they just lacked the greasy-ness that true pizza hut breadsticks have.

I also spend much of my nights jumping from blog to blog. I have become addicted to reading them. Especially ones containing recipes and craft tutorials. The other night I stumbled upon these Cake Batter Pancakes. They look like they would be the perfect birthday breakfast. I can't wait to try them!